hello Sunshine!

My name is jelena AND WELCOME TO MY UNIVERSE of transformation, growth and healing.

I AM VERY HAPPY THAT YOU ARE HERE, this means you have decided to embark the journey of your own transformation.

let’s connect and find out where you would like to go and how i can help you on your journey.

I threw myself into the world of healing and my own healing powers. and that’s where my inner fire just went wild. I started to study, i took classes and trainings, i travelled and visited indigenous healers, i learned from the best curanderas and curanderos about ancient practices and medicine. i explored new lands, went deeper into my own healing and surrendered completely.

did i try to fight it? hell yes! did i cry and suffer? many times! did i want to give up? all the time! but this one little but powerful voice inside of me - they call it god, the universe, the higher-self - never let me give up. it was like an anker, a light that just never stops shining. and even though it was very small sometimes, it was always there, even in my darkest darkness.

i started to feel, that one day, i would like to share my gained knowledge, my wisdom and my medicine. I would like to help and serve the humanity to heal, to transform and become a better self - a better world inside and outside.

however, the moment i felt that, my mind and my ego just went: NO, YOU CAN’T DO THAT! i found myself deeper than ever in my old, childhood rooting belief systems that tried to sabotage but protect me at the same time.

and at this point i would like to say: if i can do it, so can you!

i was fighting, i was crying, i was wishing death, i wanted to leave, to quit. “what was all this about? what for?!” were my daily questions. I was deeper than ever. but! guess what, my inner voice would not let me down. my trust, my devotion, my guides, my spirits, ancestors and god would not let me down. they would pick me up, give me the sign, the thought and the input i needed in that moment and i would go on.

yoga, plant medicine, thetahealing, breathwork, nlp-therapy, sound healing and many other healing methods helped me to let go and transform of that trauma and those beliefs that “I can’t”, that “everyone is better than me. everyone can do it but me.”

and here i am, believing in myself more than ever. my inner light shining and me spreading the unconditional love more than ever. i realized that this was my medicine: my own darkness, my biggest fears. and i realized that i would like to share my medicine and help others, once I’m ready.

my own healing path showed me how connected the body, mind and spirit are - like a web. and how important it is to work on all the levels equally in order to have a holistic healing journey.

a tree can’t grow high up to the skies if the roots are not deeply rooted and strongly interconnected.

we can’t only release on a somatic level, without including the mind and the spiritual aspects. and vise versa, we can’t only heal on a spiritual and mind level if we don’t release somatically and ground ourselves. because the body remembers unless we release, accept and re-program.

we need a holistic approach in order to achieve long-lasting and truly transforming results.

and that being said and if you read until here, thank you sunshine.

but now enough about me!
tell me about you and how i can be of service for you on your journey.

all the love,

my story in a nutshell

well, almost in a nutshell..

growing up as an immigrant child in east switzerland, my childhood was predestined to be a rather difficult one. growing up in an environment, where i was never accepted for who i am due to my heritage, made me always wonder what was wrong with me. at home, i had to deal with fighting parents, clinging onto their toxic and violent relationship, who did not know how to deal with their own traumas.

as a child i decided to completely surrender to school and make this my safe haven.
reading books, writing my own essays and diary, painting, sewing my own clothes, creating my jewelry..

I created my own little safe universe.

however, all this drama and trauma around me did leave deep wounds that eventually became beautiful scars that guided me to through my pathways to where i am today. but this meant hard work on myself, patience, compassion, love and time.

meaning well, my parents sent me to economics school. i was always the “smart one” in the family and all the hope was on me. i finished school, found a job in zurich and moved out when i was 20 years young. my first “big job” was at a big international consulting firm, where i was striving, thriving and where i worked hard - non-stop.

and i absolutely loved it.

eventually i overcame my belief, that i will never be able to study and signed up for an economics study program. i became the first family member who was an academic.

however, working 12hrs a day, studying, working out 4 times a week and maintaining a relationship with my ex-boyfriend eventually led to a collapse. my body resigned and i was diagnosed with a NPP - a slipped disc in my upper spine. but my mind did not understand what that meant. i was not ready to listen. i was at a high that i did not want to leave.

after numerous cortisone shots, painkillers and opiats i eventually decided to go see a therapist. i was at a point in my life where all my walls started tumbling. i was at the lowest point of my life and feared for my health, my career, my life.

i finally started realizing that my body was telling me something. so i started to connect and to listen. and the message was clear: slow down! it was time to embark my healing path. not knowing what will await me on the other side, i opened up my pandora box and entered a world full of surprises, new pathways and unconditional love.

my turning points during this process were an excellent therapist and my first encounter with sacred plant medicine.

after many years of conventional therapy, sacred plant medicine, various healing methods and a lot of hard self-growth work i started to transform. slowly, very slowly. but steadily. eventually i started to finally see my garden growing, flourishing. the first flowers and trees of a new me have started to grow their roots.

my dedication and will to become a better self, for myself, never let me stop.


DISCOVER your own medicine


and transform into a better self